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Publication Opportunities

Publication Opportunities

We help you in every aspect of your research publication in reputed journals!

Ready to boost your academic journey? WCASET 2024 is your gateway to global recognition. We empower you to share your groundbreaking research and connect with a vibrant community of scholars. We're with you every step of the way, providing guidance and resources to navigate the publication process. Through our esteemed publications, your research gains visibility and recognition within the academic world.

Join us and let your research shine!

Indexing Database

WCASET-2023 proceedings series will be submitted to the Web of Science Book Citation Index (BkCI) and to SCOPUS for evaluation and indexing (T&C)*.


Discover a wide selection of reputable Scopus-Indexed journals at WCASET 2024. These journals are highly regarded and trusted by scholars globally, providing an ideal outlet to present your innovative research.

International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication

ISSN: 2321-8169

International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security

ISSN: 2073-607X

International journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering

ISSN: 2147-6799

African Journal of Biological Sciences.

ISSN : 2663-2187

Proceedings on Engineering Sciences

ISSN : 2620-2832

The Journal for Educators, Teachers and Trainers

ISSN : 1989-9572

International Journal of Professional Business Review

ISSN : 2525-3654

SN Computer Science

ISSN : 2662-995XE-ISSN:2661-8907

Journal of Law and Sustainable Development

ISSN : 2764-4170

Gigiena i sanitariia

ISSN : 2412-0650

Boletin de Malariologia y Salud Ambiental(Malariology and Environmental Health Bulletin)

ISSN : 1690-4648

NanoWorld Journal

E-ISSN : 2379-1101

Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal (ASTRJ)

ISSN : 2299-8624

Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences

ISSN : 2325-0399 (ONLINE) | ISSN : 1935-0090 (PRINT)

Applied Computing and Informatics

ISSN : 2634-1964E | ISSN : 2210-8327

Applied Computer Science

ISSN : 1895-3735E | ISSN : 2353-6977

Journal of Advanced Zoology

ISSN : 0253-7214

Google Scholar Journals

Explore our collection of Google Scholar Journals, each offering unique insights into different research fields. Discover the right platform to showcase your research and connect with a specific audience.

Technoarete Transactions on Industrial Robotics and Automation Systems

ISSN : 2583-1941

Technoarete Transactions on Advances in Social Sciences and Humanities

ISSN : 2583-1127

Technoarate Transactions on Entrepreneurship and International Business

ISSN : 2583-3731

Transaction on Biomedical Engineering Applications, Healthcare

ISSN : 2582-7405

International Journal of Agro Nutrifood Practices

ISSN : 2583-066X

Technoarete Transactions on Economics and Business Systems

ISSN : 2583-4649

Neurocosm International Journal

ISSN : 2582-7480

Technoarete Transactions on Application of Information and Communication Technology(ICT) in Education

ISSN : 2583-3154

Steps in Publishing a Research Paper
Manuscript Preparation:
  • Get a head start by getting the official manuscript and abstract format documents ready. This will be your roadmap to submission success!
  • Organize your paper like a pro. Follow the classic flow: title, abstract, introduction, methods, results, discussion, conclusion, and references.
  • Consider the Journal’s preferred citation style guide to ensure your references are perfect and align with the requirements.

Review Process:
  • Go to the conference's online submission system and upload your masterpiece before the deadline.
  • Make sure to follow the specific submission instructions provided to avoid any delays. Your work will be carefully assessed by field experts who will evaluate its quality, validity, and relevance to the conference theme.
  • Pay close attention to any feedback or revisions suggested by the reviewers and incorporate them into your updated manuscript.

Acceptance Notification:
  • After the review process, an acceptance notification will be sent to all authors.
  • If your paper requires revisions, make the necessary changes and resubmit within the given timeframe.
  • Remember, a revised submission demonstrates your commitment to excellence!

  • For Authors of accepted papers: To guarantee your research is included in the official conference proceedings, complete your registration by the deadline
  • Please note that registration for at least one author per accepted paper is mandatory for its inclusion in the proceedings.

  • After registering, sharpen your pen! You'll receive galley proofs, your paper's final draft, for meticulous review.
  • This is your chance to polish content, eliminate typos, and ensure accuracy.
  • Make the most of this opportunity to present your work at its best.

Presentation Preparation:
  • Make sure your slides and materials align perfectly with the conference guidelines.
  • Rehearse your presentation like a pro. Time yourself, refine your clarity and stay within the allotted slot.
  • Practice in front of friendly faces or record yourself to fine-tune your delivery and demonstrate professionalism.

Conference Presentation:
  • Present your research with passion and clarity during your assigned session at the conference venue.
  • Be more than just a talking head! Engage your audience with clear, concise language, confident body language, and genuine enthusiasm.
  • Anticipate potential questions about your research and prepare thoughtful, concise responses.

Conference Proceedings:
  • Following acceptance and presentation, your valuable research will be included in the prestigious conference proceedings.
  • They will be available in print and online format, becoming a permanent reference for future scholars.

Journal Publication (Optional):
  • You can submit extended versions of your paper for review by prestigious associated journals.
  • If accepted, your study will get published and earn valuable recognition in your field.

Networking and Collaboration:
  • Network with renowned scholars, professionals, and experts in your area.
  • Learn about the latest trends and advancements directly from industry leaders.
  • Expand your professional circle and discover potential collaborators for future projects
  • Explore exciting opportunities and partnerships that can propel your research journey forward.

Ensuring Ethical & Publishing Standards

For Authors:

At WCASET, we believe in fostering a research environment built on integrity and ethical conduct. This means upholding the highest standards throughout the research process. As a participating author, you contribute to ensuring the credibility and progress of our field by adhering to authenticity, data integrity, and responsible authorship. It also means that you will avoid unethical behaviours like copying others' work, making up data, changing results, or causing a conflict of interest.

Ethical Guidelines:

Authorship and Contributorship:
  • Define clear authorship criteria to make sure individuals with substantial contributions to the research will receive proper recognition.
  • Show your appreciation in the acknowledgement section for those who didn't meet authorship criteria but made valuable contributions (e.g., data collection, assistance, feedback).

  • Double-check your data thoroughly for errors and missing values.
  • Reference properly to acknowledge original authors and avoid plagiarism.
  • Consider using plagiarism detection tools to catch accidental similarities and ensure the originality of your work.
  • Upholding academic integrity through ethical citing reinforces research credibility and protects your reputation.

Data Integrity:
  • Double-check your data thoroughly for errors and missing values.
  • Ensure its completeness for reliable analysis and trustworthy conclusions.
  • Document your research methodology precisely, including data collection and analysis techniques. This will ensure transparency and increase the credibility of your study.

Informed Consent:
  • Make sure that participants fully understand the purpose of your study, along with any potential risks or benefits.
  • Clearly explain the research process and participants' rights.
  • This upholds ethical research practices to established standards.

Conflict of Interest:
  • Be upfront about any financial ties, personal relationships, or affiliations that could influence your research findings. This will ensure trust and credibility for your work.
  • Acknowledge any personal opinions or beliefs that might affect your research perspective.

Research Ethics:
  • Obtain informed consent, protect privacy, and ensure safety throughout your research process.
  • Stick to ethical guidelines and institutional regulations governing human subject research.
  • Make sure that data collection, storage, and analysis follow ethical standards and respect participant privacy.
  • Implement secure storage methods and anonymize data where necessary.
  • Obtain permits or permissions from relevant authorities before conducting research involving specific environments or activities.

Preventing Publication Malpractice

Multiple Submissions:
  • Don't submit the same work to multiple conferences or publications concurrently.
  • Disclose if your manuscript is under review elsewhere or published previously.

Authorship Manipulation:
  • Clearly acknowledge each author's contributions and responsibilities.
  • Include only individuals with significant involvement in the research.

Data Falsification and Fabrication:
  • Use reliable and verifiable data in your research.
  • Never make up or alter information to fit your conclusions.
  • Avoid selectively presenting data to manipulate results.

Review Process Integrity:
  • Provide constructive and objective reviews, free from personal bias or conflict of interest. Disclose any potential conflicts upfront.
  • Maintain the anonymity of the author(s) and protect sensitive information entrusted to you during the review process.
  • Carefully evaluate the research based on its soundness, methodology, and significance.

Transparent Reporting:
  • Clearly describe your methodology, results, and limitations without exaggerating them.
  • It's crucial to be honest in your reporting. Please avoid selecting only favourable results to present.

Redundant Publication:
  • Before submission, disclose if your research has been previously presented or published in any form, online or offline.
  • Acknowledge and reference past publications on the same topic, maintaining transparency and avoiding ethical duplication.

Retraction and Corrections:
  • Identify and address errors in your research promptly.
  • Notify editors and publishers immediately upon discovering inaccuracies.
  • Partner with them to issue clear and timely corrections or errata to the published literature.

Together, Let's Keep Research Ethical!

A quick heads-up for all of us passionate about research! Friends, keep in mind the ethical guidelines! Whether you're crafting world-changing work, providing insightful reviews, or orchestrating amazing conferences, ethical practices are key to maintaining the highest standards in our community. Think of it this way — upholding these guidelines isn't just about rules, it's about protecting the credibility and trust in all our research. By working together, we ensure future discoveries rest on a solid foundation of integrity.

Publications in Journals

WCASET 2024 provides access to a wide range of publishing options in esteemed journals. Make a lasting impact in your profession, acquire recognition, and contribute to academia!

SCIE Journals

Publish your research in SCIE Journals, that are indexed in Scopus and SCIE, for wide exposure.

  • Regular Issue
  • Special /Thematic Issue
Scopus Journals

Contribute to Scopus Journals, which are reputable and indexed in Scopus, to demonstrate your knowledge.

  • Regular Issue
  • Special /Thematic Issue
Web of Science Publication

Publish in Web of Science to access large databases including citation data, which will boost the impact and visibility of your research.

Google Scholar

Opt for Journals indexed in Google Scholar for wider visibility across scholarly platforms, making your research accessible globally.

  • Regular Issue
ABDC Publication

ABDC (Australian Business Deans Council) is a renowned organization that plays a pivotal role in assessing the quality of business and management journals

Research Guidance

IFERP offers support and opportunities for academics who aim for excellence in their research activities. A good way to develop cutting-edge technologies for the benefit of society is through research.
  • Editing & Revision
  • Formatting
  • Review

Editing & Revision

  • Grammatical Corrections
  • Language Editing
  • Plagiarism correction.
  • Proofreading
  • Research Paper Editing
  • Case Report Editing
  • Synopsis Editing
  • Thesis Editing


  • Journal Format
  • Research Paper Format
  • Cover Letter


  • Reviewer suggestion
  • Reviewer Comments Support
  • Thesis Review
  • Book Review
  • Research Paper Review